In the bustling public market of Dumaguete, located along the main street, a vibrant scene unfolds around the famous pedicabs of Negros Oriental. The market sprawls across several buildings lining the street, each bustling with activity and offering an array of goods and local delicacies.
At the front of these market buildings, two designated areas serve as terminals for the iconic pedicabs. These unique three-wheeled vehicles, adorned with colorful decorations and often sporting creative designs, are a quintessential mode of transportation in the region.
Amidst the hustle and bustle, one pedicab has already whisked away a passenger, its driver navigating the narrow streets with practiced ease. Nearby, a second pedicab awaits its next passenger, the driver engaged in lively negotiations with a potential fare. Meanwhile, a third pedicab patiently waits, its driver scanning the crowd for the next eager passenger, knowing they won’t have to wait long in this bustling hub of activity.
These pedicab terminals serve as lively hubs of movement and interaction, with passengers coming and going throughout the day. The distinctive sound of pedicab bells mixes with the chatter of vendors and the hustle of shoppers, creating a dynamic atmosphere that is quintessentially Dumaguete.
Watch our video about the famous pedicabs: