BLOG: Floral Delights of Dumaguete’s Public Market

BLOG: Floral Delights of Dumaguete’s Public Market

Nestled within the bustling aisles of Building 2 in Dumaguete’s public market complex lies a hidden gem: the vibrant flower stalls. While this market section primarily caters to the vegetable and fruit trade, it’s also a hub for all things floral, offering a fascinating glimpse into the city’s floral culture.         Traditionally, these stalls have been a go-to destination for funeral arrangements, providing fresh-cut flowers for somber occasions. However, in recent years, there’s been a noticeable shift in consumer behavior. The general populace has developed a fondness for flower bouquets and arrangements not just for solemn events but also to adorn their homes with natural beauty. From hotels seeking to create inviting atmospheres to seminar organizers aiming to infuse freshness into their spaces, fresh flowers have become indispensable. But it’s not just businesses that are embracing the floral trend; ordinary households are also incorporating blooms into their daily lives. Housewives, in particular, frequent the market to purchase small bouquets of flowers, using them as altar decorations to add a touch of elegance and serenity to their homes.       One of the most enchanting aspects of the flower stalls is the artistry that goes into crafting each arrangement. Skilled hands deftly work with fresh-cut flowers, transforming them into stunning bouquets and intricate displays. It’s a sight to behold, watching as colorful petals are arranged into harmonious compositions, each one a testament to the beauty of nature and the creativity of the florists. Wandering through the market, you’ll encounter a kaleidoscope of blooms in every hue imaginable. From delicate roses to cheerful sunflowers, there’s something to delight every floral enthusiast. And as you admire the floral offerings, you can’t help but feel uplifted by the fragrance and beauty that surrounds you.   So, whether you’re in need of funeral arrangements, seeking to brighten your home, or simply looking to indulge in the beauty of fresh flowers, the flower stalls of Dumaguete’s public market await. Step into this fragrant oasis, where the art of floral arrangement flourishes, and immerse yourself in the enchanting world of blooms.   See also our video about Dumaguete’s public market here: PUBLIC MARKET in DUMAGUETE

Photo of the Day for April 15, 2024 – Vibrant Life at the Dumaguete Public Market: A Pedicab Portrait

Photo of the Day for April 15, 2024 – Vibrant Life at the Dumaguete Public Market: A Pedicab Portrait

In the bustling public market of Dumaguete, located along the main street, a vibrant scene unfolds around the famous pedicabs of Negros Oriental. The market sprawls across several buildings lining the street, each bustling with activity and offering an array of goods and local delicacies. At the front of these market buildings, two designated areas serve as terminals for the iconic pedicabs. These unique three-wheeled vehicles, adorned with colorful decorations and often sporting creative designs, are a quintessential mode of transportation in the region. Amidst the hustle and bustle, one pedicab has already whisked away a passenger, its driver navigating the narrow streets with practiced ease. Nearby, a second pedicab awaits its next passenger, the driver engaged in lively negotiations with a potential fare. Meanwhile, a third pedicab patiently waits, its driver scanning the crowd for the next eager passenger, knowing they won’t have to wait long in this bustling hub of activity.     These pedicab terminals serve as lively hubs of movement and interaction, with passengers coming and going throughout the day. The distinctive sound of pedicab bells mixes with the chatter of vendors and the hustle of shoppers, creating a dynamic atmosphere that is quintessentially Dumaguete. Watch our video about the famous pedicabs: The amazing PEDICABS of DUMAGUETE

Photo of the Day for April 14, 2024 – Rhythms of the Market: Rice Delivery in Dumaguete

Photo of the Day for April 14, 2024 – Rhythms of the Market: Rice Delivery in Dumaguete

In the bustling confines of the Dumaguete public market, a scene unfolds amidst the narrow aisles: A handcart laden with several sacks of rice stands ready for delivery.     Nearby, a man lifts one of the sacks onto his head, preparing to carry it away with practiced ease. As he navigates through the maze of stalls, a customer leisurely meanders past, while the watchful gaze of the rice stall owner follows their movements, ensuring the smooth flow of commerce in this vibrant marketplace.   See the busy public market of Dumaguete City in a video: PUBLIC MARKET in DUMAGUETE  

Impressions of the shopping mile in Bacong

Impressions of the shopping mile in Bacong

Exploring the New Leon Kilat Mall: A Firsthand Account       On a balmy Friday afternoon, the 12th of April, 2024, I found myself venturing into the newly opened Leon Kilat Mall in Bacong, Negros Oriental. As I stepped through its doors, I was greeted by a scene of modest activity. Upon entry, my eyes were drawn to a staircase on the right, leading upwards, while on the left, a lineup of shops and restaurants beckoned. The hum of air conditioning and the occasional laughter of children echoed through the hall, but the space felt notably devoid of the bustling crowds one might expect in a mall.         Opting for the escalator, I ascended to the upper level, where a leisurely stroll unveiled a modest array of offerings. Two children’s playgrounds provided a source of amusement, while a bustling pizza restaurant boasted a “full house” of patrons. Smaller shops dotted the perimeter, offering goods and services ranging from mobile phones to travel agency bookings. One notable absence, however, was the lack of an escalator for the descent back to the ground floor. Instead, patrons must navigate the stairs—a minor inconvenience but a noticeable oversight in modern mall design.       A focal point within the mall’s interior is a prominent wall adorned with homage to the municipality’s hero—a testament to local pride and heritage. Reflecting on my experience, I couldn’t help but feel underwhelmed. While the Leon Kilat Mall offers a modest selection of amenities, it pales in comparison to larger shopping complexes. For a more comprehensive mall experience, one might find it worthwhile to venture a few kilometers to Dumaguete’s Robinson’s Mall. In essence, while the Leon Kilat Mall provides a glimpse into Bacong’s evolving commercial landscape, it falls short of delivering the robust shopping experience one might expect. As the local community continues to grow and evolve, perhaps the mall will undergo its own transformation, meeting the demands and expectations of discerning shoppers in the future.       Alongside the newly minted Leon Kilat Mall stands a stark reminder of neglect—the dilapidated remains of the once vibrant Bacong Public Market     A mere stone’s throw away from the mall lies the forlorn structure of the former market, a testament to the passage of time and the unforgiving grasp of neglect. A cursory glance reveals the scars of decay etched into its weathered facade—a haunting juxtaposition against the gleaming facade of its neighboring counterpart. Records indicate that the market was erected a mere seven years ago, a beacon of commerce and community vitality. Yet, in a tragic twist of fate, it has languished in desolation for several years, its decline shrouded in mystery.       As I gazed upon the desolate scene before me, I couldn’t help but feel a pang of sorrow for what once was—a bustling hub of activity now reduced to a mere shadow of its former self. Today, the market stands as a hollow shell, its once teeming halls now echoing with the ghostly whispers of bygone commerce. Amidst the ruins, only two financial companies cling to existence, their presence a faint glimmer amidst the surrounding gloom. The remainder of the space serves as little more than a makeshift motorcycle parking lot and an unwitting repository for refuse—a far cry from its intended purpose as a bastion of commerce and community cohesion.       As I departed the scene, I couldn’t shake the sense of melancholy that lingered in the air—a poignant reminder of the ephemeral nature of progress and the enduring legacy of neglect. In the grand tapestry of Bacong’s evolving landscape, the fate of the former public market serves as a sobering reminder of the need for vigilance and stewardship in the face of inevitable change.       Office building with food court   Adjacent to the derelict remnants of the old market stands a beacon of modernity—the newly erected office building. With anticipation, I ventured closer, eager to explore its offerings. As I entered the ground floor, I was met with the sight of a food court—a promising oasis in the midst of urban decay. However, the reality fell short of expectation. Despite the late hour, the food court languished in a state of inertia. Counters stood vacant, their offerings left untouched, while a sparse scattering of patrons occupied the few occupied tables. The atmosphere, devoid of vitality and warmth, bore a striking resemblance to a factory canteen—an impersonal space devoid of life and love. It was a scene that spoke volumes—a poignant reminder of the stark contrast between aspiration and reality. Here stood a space with the potential to foster community and culinary delight, yet it languished in obscurity, its promise unfulfilled amidst the backdrop of urban decay.     As I lingered amidst the empty tables and vacant stalls, I couldn’t help but feel a sense of disillusionment. What should have been a vibrant hub of activity had devolved into a desolate wasteland—a casualty of neglect and indifference. In the grand narrative of Bacong’s evolving landscape, the juxtaposition of decay and modernity serves as a sobering reminder of the fragility of progress. For even amidst the gleaming facades of new developments, the specter of neglect looms large—a testament to the enduring struggle to reconcile the aspirations of the present with the ghosts of the past.     Makeshift public market in an open space     Amidst the desolation and neglect, a glimmer of hope emerges—a temporary but coherent refuge for the market stockers who once called the old market home. With the free space adjacent to the modern office building now prepared, a semblance of order begins to take shape. In this makeshift sanctuary, the market stockers have found respite—a temporary haven amidst the urban decay. Divided into sections, the space has been carefully allocated to accommodate the diverse array of goods on offer. A section for the wet market stands adjacent to another for dry goods, while …

Photo of the Day for April 10, 2024 – Rainy Day Rendezvous: Navigating Tanjay City’s Market Streets

Photo of the Day for April 10, 2024 – Rainy Day Rendezvous: Navigating Tanjay City’s Market Streets

In this charming scene captured on a side street of the bustling public market in Tanjay City, Negros Oriental, the warmth of camaraderie and the joy of companionship are palpable. A friendly couple, clearly relishing each other’s company, rides leisurely on a motorbike amidst a light rain shower. The man confidently steers the bike ahead, while his companion, positioned behind him, holds aloft a large yellow umbrella, its vibrant hue adding a splash of color against the subdued surroundings.     Despite the drizzle, there’s an air of contentment as they navigate through the narrow street, surrounded by the ubiquitous presence of Pedicabs – a common mode of transportation in the Philippines. The woman’s gesture of shielding them both from the rain with the umbrella not only serves a practical purpose but also reflects a sense of care and consideration. Amidst the everyday hustle and bustle of the market, this simple yet heartwarming sight reminds us of the beauty found in shared moments, the joy of togetherness, and the gentle rhythms of life in a vibrant city. And in a country where umbrellas are not only used to shield from rain but also to protect against the sun’s rays, this image captures a slice of Filipino life, where adaptability and companionship go hand in hand.   See also the videos about Tanjay City: TANJAY CITY MARKET and WALKING in TANJAY CITY  

Photo of the Day for March 08. 2024 – Native chicken vendor at market in Tanjay City

Photo of the Day for March 08. 2024 – Native chicken vendor at market in Tanjay City

In the bustling market of Tanjay City, Negros Oriental, a vendor stands behind a display of live chickens, patiently awaiting customers. The vendor’s stall is adorned with vibrant colors, and the native Visayan breed chickens, with their distinctive feathers, add to the lively atmosphere of the market. With a hopeful expression, the vendor watches the flow of people passing by, ready to provide them with the freshest poultry for their culinary delights.   A good chicken broth made from native Visayan breed chickens is indeed a traditional Filipino recipe that reflects the rich culinary heritage of the Philippines, particularly in the Visayan region. Here are some key points about this traditional dish: Native Visayan Breed Chickens: The use of native Visayan breed chickens is essential for authenticity in this recipe. These chickens are known for their unique flavor and texture compared to commercial breeds. They are often raised in backyard farms or free-range environments, resulting in meat that is more flavorful and less fatty. Ingredients: The ingredients for Visayan chicken broth typically include native chicken pieces (such as legs, thighs, and wings), aromatics like garlic, onions, and ginger, and sometimes additional flavorings like lemongrass and fish sauce. The broth is simmered slowly to extract maximum flavor from the ingredients. Cooking Method: The traditional method of preparing Visayan chicken broth involves simmering the chicken pieces with the aromatics in water for an extended period. This slow cooking process allows the flavors to meld together and results in a rich, savory broth that is both comforting and nutritious. Health Benefits: Chicken broth made from native breeds is often prized for its perceived health benefits. It is believed to be rich in collagen, vitamins, and minerals, which can support gut health, boost the immune system, and promote overall well-being. Cultural Significance: This traditional dish is not only valued for its taste and nutritional benefits but also for its cultural significance. It is often served during special occasions, family gatherings, and celebrations, symbolizing warmth, hospitality, and togetherness. Overall, Visayan chicken broth is a beloved Filipino recipe that showcases the importance of using quality ingredients and traditional cooking methods to create a dish that is both delicious and nourishing.

Exploring a Vibrant Side Street of Siaton Public Market

Exploring a Vibrant Side Street of Siaton Public Market

Tucked away from the hustle and bustle of the main thoroughfare lies a hidden gem waiting to be discovered – the charming side street at Siaton Public Market in Negros Oriental. Stepping into this bustling enclave is like entering a microcosm of the local community, where sights, sounds, and scents blend harmoniously to create an unforgettable sensory experience. As you wander down the narrow alleyway, your senses are immediately greeted by an eclectic mix of sights and sounds. On one side, a lorry laden with goods stands parked next to a shoe shop adorned with colorful displays of used shoes, offering a glimpse into the world of ukay-ukay fashion. Here, bargain hunters can unearth treasures amidst the throngs of footwear, each pair with its own story to tell.       Further along, the tantalizing aroma of sizzling fried chicken parts wafts through the air, courtesy of a mobile vendor stationed nearby. Locals flock to this popular spot, drawn by the irresistible combination of crispy, golden-brown goodness and savory spices. Adjacent to the chicken stand, a sari-sari shop beckons with its kaleidoscopic array of goods, from snacks and sodas to household essentials and trinkets. It’s a vibrant mosaic of colors and textures, reflecting the diversity and vitality of the community it serves.       Meanwhile, a small eatery bustles with activity as patrons gather to savor hearty home-cooked meals and exchange lively conversation. Here, the spirit of camaraderie thrives as neighbors come together to break bread and share stories, forging bonds that transcend mere transactions. But perhaps the most intriguing sight of all lies just beyond – a peek into a beauty parlor reveals a scene of indulgence and relaxation, as ladies luxuriate in foot baths, manicures, pedicures, and hair treatments. It’s a sanctuary of self-care amidst the chaos of everyday life, where moments of pampering and rejuvenation reign supreme.     As you navigate through this vibrant tapestry of sights and sounds, you can’t help but feel a sense of connection to the community that calls this side street home. It’s a place where the rhythms of daily life play out in technicolor, where the spirit of resilience and resourcefulness is palpable at every turn. So, the next time you find yourself in Siaton, take a detour off the beaten path and immerse yourself in the vibrant tapestry of the public market’s side street. Who knows what treasures – both tangible and intangible – await you in this hidden corner of Negros Oriental? Watch also the video of the public market at Siaton: SIATON – NEGROS ORIENTAL | The Market   

Delights of Dumaguete City

Delights of Dumaguete City

Dumaguete City, known for its rich culture and vibrant markets, offers a unique culinary experience at its public market. Nestled at one of the central entrances from Real Street, the market bustles with vendors showcasing Filipino specialties and delicacies.       As you wander through the market, you’ll encounter stalls adorned with an array of enticing offerings. One cannot miss the aroma of hanging rice, a beloved Filipino staple, wafting through the air. Nearby, vendors display round cakes and toast, particularly popular during festive occasions like New Year’s Eve. Among the vendors stands one with a tempting selection of peanuts. From sweet, candied peanuts to roasted and salted varieties, there’s something to satisfy every craving. However, it’s the peanuts boiled in saltwater, still nestled in their shells, that steal the show – a personal favorite for many visitors.       Yet, amidst the hustle and bustle of the market, there’s a curious tradition observed by one of the vendors. Like many older Filipinos, she holds a belief that photographs or videos of individuals grant control over them. As you capture the vibrant scenes of the market, she discreetly captures you, adhering to this age-old superstition. Exploring the public market in Dumaguete City is not just a culinary journey but also an immersion into local customs and beliefs. Each stall tells a story, offering a glimpse into the rich tapestry of Filipino culture. So next time you find yourself in Dumaguete, be sure to wander through its bustling market, where flavors and traditions intertwine to create an unforgettable experience.

Photo of the Day for February 24, 2024 – Sweat towle vendor at the market in Sibulan

Photo of the Day for February 24, 2024 – Sweat towle vendor at the market in Sibulan

Die Szene entfaltet sich am Markteingang von Sibulan, Negros Oriental, wo die drückende tropische Hitze die Luft schwer macht. Ein fliegender Händler, gekleidet in einfache Kleidung, steht dort mit einem Angebot über seinem Arm und dem Rest an Gürteln, Socken und anderen Dingen auf einer Holzkarre. Vor ihm steht ein müder Arbeiter, dessen Gesicht von Schweißperlen glänzt, während er gegen die Hitze kämpft und gerade eines der Schweißtücher erworben hat.     Die Szene illustriert die Bedeutung dieser fliegenden Händler in den heißen Straßen und Plätzen des Landes, die den Menschen Erleichterung von der sengenden Hitze bieten. Neben den Handtüchern bieten sie auch Wasser und andere Getränke an, um die Durstigen zu erfrischen. Einzelne Zigaretten werden verkauft, begleitet von einem freundlichen Feuerzeugservice. Inmitten des geschäftigen Treibens der Stadt bieten sie auch kleine Imbisse wie Erdnüsse und Bonbons an, um den Hunger der Passanten zu stillen. Die Handtücher, die sie verkaufen, sind oft rund und aus verschiedenen Stoffresten zusammengenäht, im Gegensatz zu den rechteckigen neuen Handtüchern. Diese fliegenden Händler sind mehr als nur Verkäufer; sie sind Helfer und Anker in einer tropenheißen Umgebung, die den Menschen eine kleine Erleichterung und Freude in ihrem Alltag bringen.

Photo of the Day for February 22, 2024 – A market stall somewhere on Negros island

Photo of the Day for February 22, 2024 – A market stall somewhere on Negros island

In the bustling archipelago of the Philippines, the heartbeat of local life resonates through the vibrant tapestry of public markets, affectionately known as “palengke”.  This is also the case on the island of Negros. These bustling hubs of commerce are more than just places to buy and sell; they are living embodiments of Filipino culture and community. Spread across the thousands of islands that make up the Philippines, each public market adds its own unique flavor to the cultural and economic landscape. From the lively banter of merchants to the colorful array of fresh produce, these markets encapsulate the essence of Filipino life. Economically, public markets serve as vital pillars supporting local businesses. They provide a platform for farmers, fishermen, artisans, and small vendors to showcase their goods, ensuring that economic benefits flow back into the community. Culturally, public markets are a reflection of the rich tapestry of Filipino heritage. Traditional delicacies, handmade crafts, and diverse products showcase the creativity and craftsmanship of the Filipino people, inviting visitors and locals alike on a cultural journey through the bustling aisles. Beyond commerce, these markets are vibrant community centers where people come together to forge connections over shared meals and stories. The familiar faces of vendors become integral parts of the community fabric, fostering a sense of belonging and shared identity.     In essence, public markets are living symbols of Filipino resilience and tradition. As they continue to thrive across the archipelago, they play a crucial role in preserving traditions, driving economic growth, and offering an authentic experience for those seeking to explore the heart of the Philippines.