Peanuts from the market

Peanut cultivation plays a vital role in ensuring food security. In the Philippines, peanuts serve as an alternative crop, contributing to both income generation and household consumption. Peanuts are rich in essential nutrients, including proteins, fats, and carbohydrates, making them valuable for the body. Cultivating peanuts not only provides additional income for farmers but also enables them to purchase other food items and fulfill various family needs.

The division of labor between men and women in groundnut cultivation is distinct. Men primarily handle tasks related to soil preparation, fertilization, and the application of insecticides and pesticides. Planting and harvesting duties are shared between men and women, while women focus on weeding. In the post-harvest phase, both men and women participate in drying and manual shelling. However, men are responsible for handling and mechanical shelling processes.

In the realm of groundnut processing, women engage in small-scale processing to generate modest income. In larger processing plants, male production managers are employed, although the majority of the processing workforce consists of women. Men typically operate heavy processing machinery, while women oversee quality control and packaging processes.

The provided images are sourced from the market in Dumaguete.

At the market in the city of Dumaguete, I found a few stalls that specialize in peanuts. Peanuts can be bought there in the most diverse varieties.

They are weighed and packed by hand. In one of the stores the owner fell asleep between her peanuts during the hot lunch time. Right next door, peanuts are ground into peanut butter.



Old Market Building on Colon Street | DUMAGUETE



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