Photo of the Day for February 14, 2024 – Old lady store owner at public market in Dumaguete City

Photo of the Day for February 14, 2024 – Old lady store owner at public market in Dumaguete City

Step into the heart of Dumaguete’s vibrant soul at the public market, where the rhythm of life pulses through every corner. From dawn till dusk, this bustling hive beckons locals and tourists alike, weaving a tapestry of community and commerce. In the early morning light, the market awakens, drawing in housewives and families seeking fresh produce and savory delights for breakfast. As the day progresses, the tempo rises, with traders swapping tales and laughter amidst the aromatic symphony of spices and flavors.     Amidst the lively bustle, you may chance upon a weathered old lady, her smile as warm as the tropical sun. With nimble hands, she offers bamboo skewers, not just for barbecues, but as versatile supports for plants and more. Her stall stands sentinel against the backdrop of the National Highway’s chaotic dance, a testament to the resilience and ingenuity of Dumaguete’s people. In this kaleidoscope of sights, sounds, and scents, the public market stands as a beacon of local life, inviting all who enter to taste, explore, and embrace the spirit of Dumaguete.

Photo of the Day for February 07, 2024 – Rope shop at the Malatapay Market in Zamboanguita

Photo of the Day for February 07, 2024 – Rope shop at the Malatapay Market in Zamboanguita

In the bustling weekly farmer’s market of barangay Malatapay, Zamboanguita, Negros Oriental, a vibrant scene unfolds at one of the rope shops. Here, farmers gather to purchase essential ropes for their agricultural needs. The ropes serve various purposes, from tethering goats, pigs, and sturdy bulls or water buffaloes, to securing indispensable tools like the machete, locally known as the bolo. Each rope signifies the livelihood and labor of the farmers, embodying the indispensable tools and traditions of agricultural life in the region.  

Photo of the Day for January 31, 2024 – Easy life at stalls for specialities and delicacies

Photo of the Day for January 31, 2024 – Easy life at stalls for specialities and delicacies

Embracing Simplicity: The Essence of a Comfortable Life for Filipinos   In the heart of the Philippines, where the vibrant tapestry of culture and tradition weaves through the archipelago, a simple and comfortable life takes on a profound significance for the Filipino people. Beyond the hustle and bustle of daily routines, the essence of contentment lies in embracing the richness of simplicity.     Work-Life Harmony: For Filipinos, achieving a simple and comfortable life starts with maintaining a delicate balance between work and leisure. While diligent work is valued, finding time for rest and recreation is equally essential. Whether it’s sharing laughter with colleagues during breaks or unwinding with family after a long day, Filipinos understand the importance of creating a harmonious rhythm between their professional and personal lives. Nourishment from Home: One of the pillars of a comfortable life in the Philippines revolves around savoring healthy, home-cooked meals. From the aromatic adobo simmering on the stove to the warm embrace of sinigang on a rainy day, Filipino kitchens are the heart of nourishment and connection. The joy of sharing meals with loved ones fosters a sense of belonging and comfort that transcends the ordinary. Family and Community: In the Philippines, family isn’t just a unit; it’s a sanctuary of love and support. A simple and comfortable life centers around strong family bonds and extends to the broader community. From bayanihan, the spirit of communal unity, to the warmth of neighbors sharing stories over afternoon meriendas, Filipinos find solace in the collective strength of relationships. Prioritizing Health: Health is wealth, and Filipinos understand this proverb deeply. A comfortable life is one where individuals prioritize their well-being, whether it’s through regular exercise, mindful eating, or a restful night’s sleep. Wellness isn’t a luxury but a fundamental aspect of life, allowing Filipinos to face each day with vitality and resilience. Faith and Spirituality: In the Philippines, faith is woven into the fabric of daily existence. A comfortable life is nurtured by the practice of spirituality, whether through traditional Catholic rituals, heartfelt prayers, or moments of reflection. Faith provides a source of strength and optimism, grounding individuals in times of challenge and celebrating joy in times of abundance. As the sun sets over the Philippine islands, painting the sky with hues of orange and pink, the essence of a simple and comfortable life for Filipinos becomes evident. It’s in the laughter echoing through family gatherings, the aroma of familiar dishes wafting through homes, and the resilient spirit that thrives within communities. In simplicity, Filipinos discover the true richness of life, creating a tapestry of comfort and contentment that withstands the test of time.

Carinderias: A Culinary Journey Through Filipino Heritage

Carinderias: A Culinary Journey Through Filipino Heritage

Carinderias: A Culinary Journey Through Filipino Heritage In the bustling streets of the Philippines, where the air is filled with the enticing aroma of flavorful dishes, the carinderia stands as a living testament to the rich culinary heritage that has been woven into the tapestry of Filipino culture. The concept of the carinderia traces its roots back to the early 1800s, emerging as a humble native food shop and a convenient haven for weary travelers. Before 1764, there was no specific term to encapsulate the essence of a commercial establishment selling freshly cooked meals. However, as bustling crossroads began to thrive, carinderias swiftly became a beacon for locals and travelers alike, offering a quick and satisfying respite for those in need of nourishment. SIGHTS OF NEGROS – BLOG – Carinderias: A Culinary Journey Through Filipino Heritage SIGHTS OF NEGROS – BLOG – Carinderias: A Culinary Journey Through Filipino Heritage Over the centuries, the carinderia has not merely survived; it has thrived, adapting and evolving to meet the ever-changing needs and preferences of the Filipino people. Today, the streets are adorned with variations of carinderias, each telling its own unique story and promising a distinct dining experience. From the vibrant chaos of traveling carinderias to the refined elegance of high-class establishments, these culinary gems have become an integral part of Filipino life. They serve as more than just eateries; they are the bearers of tradition, a celebration of the flavors that define the Filipino palate. Step into a carinderia, and you’ll find yourself immersed in a world of diverse offerings. The menu, a testament to the culinary prowess of the Filipino cook, spans a wide range of traditional home-cooked meals and popular local favorites. The dishes are a celebration of authenticity, carrying the soulful essence of Filipino home kitchens to the bustling streets. Adobo, with its succulent marinated meat stew, shares the stage with the comforting warmth of sinigang, a sour soup that whispers tales of family gatherings. Tinola, a hearty chicken stew, dances alongside the rich flavors of kare-kare, an oxtail stew luxuriating in a peanut sauce. The menu unfolds like a culinary love letter, featuring an array of vegetable and seafood dishes that showcase the diversity of Filipino cuisine. SIGHTS OF NEGROS – BLOG – Carinderias: A Culinary Journey Through Filipino Heritage SIGHTS OF NEGROS – BLOG – Carinderias: A Culinary Journey Through Filipino Heritage At the heart of it all is rice, the undisputed staple that binds the Filipino meal together. Whether it’s nestled alongside a savory dish or served as a comforting side, rice completes the symphony of flavors that emanate from the carinderia kitchen. As you embark on a culinary journey through the carinderias of the Philippines, you are not just savoring a meal; you are delving into the soul of a nation. Each dish tells a story, a narrative passed down through generations, and each carinderia is a chapter in the epic tale of Filipino gastronomy. So, step into the lively world of carinderias, where the spirit of Filipino culinary artistry awaits, ready to tantalize your taste buds and transport you to the heart of Filipino heritage. Discover the culinary delights and lively atmosphere of the Dumaguete market with me! Watch my video in which I guide you through a delicious breakfast and take you on a tour of the colourful Dumaguete market. From savoury to sweet, from exotic to familiar – let yourself be seduced by the diverse flavours and fresh ingredients. Immerse yourself in the vibrant scenery, discover local delicacies and learn more about the stories behind the stalls. Ready for a visual journey of flavours? Click on the play button now and join me as I show you the hidden treasures of this authentic market experience! Click here for the video – Don’t miss it! EATING at the Market in DUMAGUETE

Unveiling the Hidden Gems Behind Siaton’s Market Bustle

Unveiling the Hidden Gems Behind Siaton’s Market Bustle

In the heart of Siaton, beyond the bustling market building, lies a secret haven waiting to be explored. A narrow street, discreetly tucked away, reveals a myriad of market stalls offering a glimpse into the vibrant local life. Join us as we embark on a journey down this hidden alley, where the true essence of Siaton’s community thrives. As you step into this clandestine lane, a diverse array of market stalls unfolds before your eyes. A modest wet market, vibrant fruit and vegetable stands, the tempting aroma of a sizzling chicken grill, and the comforting presence of convenience stores create a microcosm of daily life in Siaton. The atmosphere buzzes with the animated exchanges of vendors and the lively negotiations of discerning shoppers. Surprisingly, the local council has adorned the area with traffic signs, attempting to regulate the flow of passersby. However, in this charming corner of Siaton, a unique local charm prevails – a delicate dance with the rules. As long as the watchful eyes of law enforcement officers remain unraised, one can whimsically navigate through the narrow alley, charting their own course and savoring the authenticity of the market experience. The wet market boasts a vibrant palette of fresh produce, capturing the essence of the region’s agricultural abundance. Engage in friendly banter with local vendors, discover unique fruits and vegetables, and witness the vibrant colors that paint the canvas of Siaton’s culinary tapestry. Amidst the market’s lively symphony, the tempting scent of grilled chicken beckons. A small stall, emanating the irresistible fragrance of local spices and open flames, invites passersby to indulge in a culinary delight. The unmistakable sizzle of chicken on the grill becomes the soundtrack of this hidden gastronomic haven. Convenience stores, standing as humble sentinels, offer a respite for those seeking a quick break from the market’s dynamic energy. Here, locals gather to exchange stories and share laughter, creating a warm and welcoming atmosphere that transcends the simple transaction of goods. In the spirit of exploration, venture into the hidden corners of Siaton where the rhythm of everyday life unfolds. Behind the market building, this small street reveals the heartbeat of the community, inviting you to immerse yourself in the rich tapestry of Siaton’s local charm. As you navigate through this hidden alley, remember: sometimes, it’s the road less traveled that leads to the most enchanting discoveries. Take a look at the video with impressive footage of the market in Siaton on a Saturday SIATON – NEGROS ORIENTAL | The Market

Photo of the Day for January 24, 2024 – Eating at the market in Tanjay City

Photo of the Day for January 24, 2024 – Eating at the market in Tanjay City

DTI sees growth of Tanjay City’s famous delicacy The passage of an ordinance making the famous “bodbod” or rice roll in Tanjay City, Negros Oriental as its One Town, One Product (OTOP), is seen to bolster the income of the small businesses in the area, the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) here said on Monday.     DTI-Negros Oriental provincial director Nimfa Virtucio told the Philippine News Agency in an interview that with the measure in place, the local government unit (LGU) will allocate a budget to “professionalize the industry” and help the micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) engaged in the business. Virtucio said with the passage of the ordinance, improvements will be made as to the production of the bodbod, such as regulations in size and uniformity in taste, among others. She noted that in the absence of “regulation”, some bodbod pieces are currently thinner than the others. “We are also willing to help these producers in coming up with a packaging that is acceptable or competitive in the world market,” she said. The DTI official also noted the need to improve the shelf life of the delicacy, which tends to spoil in just a few days with the highly perishable coconut milk as one of its ingredients. Organizing these bodbod makers and accrediting them with the LGU will also give them leverage in the marketing sector, she said. The Tanjay City OTOP ordinance, crafted by the Negros Oriental Chamber of Commerce and Industry (NOCCI), is the first of its kind in the province and in Region 7, said Dumaguete-based businessman Edward Du. Du, a former NOCCI president and ex-regional director of the Philippine Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Central Visayas (PHCCI), is a strong supporter of MSMEs and the passage of the OTOP ordinances in Negros Oriental to help small businesses prosper. The ordinance, which was unanimously passed by the city council last Friday, said there are more than 100 homegrown bodbod makers in Tanjay. The native delicacy has been around for over a century and is closely associated with the city. It is now famous not just among the locals but also among domestic and international tourists who savor this delicacy and even take some home with them as “pasalubong” (souvenir). It is best eaten with “sikwate” or local chocolate drink or with fresh, ripe mangoes. Two other OTOP ordinances being pushed in Negros Oriental are the Mt. Talinis Dark Chocolate in Valencia town and the Baslay coffee in Dauin town, Virtucio said.   Source: PNA from August 2022

Photo of the Day for January 15, 2024 – Making Budbud (Bodbod) in Tanjay City

Photo of the Day for January 15, 2024 – Making Budbud (Bodbod) in Tanjay City

BELOVED CULINARY DELIGHT: Tanjay City in Negros Oriental is elevating the renowned “bodbod” as it secures recognition through a local ordinance designating it as the city’s official One Town, One Product. The Department of Trade and Industry revealed on Monday, August 22, 2022, that this move will provide a significant uplift to small businesses involved in crafting the celebrated rice roll.  

Photo of the Day for January 14, 2024 – Chess players at the market in Dumaguete City

Photo of the Day for January 14, 2024 – Chess players at the market in Dumaguete City

Anyone familiar with the public market in Dumaguete City will know what I mean by ‘snack & delicacies mile’. Here the interested visitor will find some chess players from morning to evening near the entrance on the side of the Holy Child Hospital. At these small stalls with seating and a table facing the street, market-goers can also get hot and cold drinks and savour baked goods and delicacies.  

Photo of the Day for January 11, 2024 – Garlic pickers at the market

Photo of the Day for January 11, 2024 – Garlic pickers at the market

The provincial administration of Negros Oriental is gearing up to create a demonstration farm for cultivating bulb onions in response to the surging prices of this vegetable nationwide. Emmanuel Caduyac, the Officer-in-Charge (OIC) of the Provincial Agriculture Office (PAO), revealed on Tuesday that representatives from East-West Seed Corp. Philippines are scheduled to visit the province next week to discuss a potential partnership.     “East-West Seed company will supply us with complimentary bulb onion seeds and the technology needed for cultivation. The provincial government will designate the demo farm’s location and provide additional expertise,” he explained in a mix of English and Cebuano. This initiative comes as onion prices in Negros Oriental persist at PHP400 to PHP700 per kilogram, according to the weekly monitoring by the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI). Caduyac emphasized Governor Roel Degamo’s strong support for the project, with funding set to be included in the proposed agriculture budget of PHP130 million for the current year. Negros Oriental boasts ample land and a climate conducive to onion cultivation, similar to Iloilo and Central Luzon where larger onion plantations thrive, he noted. Despite the favorable conditions, local farmers engaging in bulb onion cultivation are relatively scarce, leading to the need for external procurement. Upon the establishment of the demo farm, Caduyac outlined plans to invite farmers and agriculture officials at the municipal and city levels for a visit, aiming to encourage them to embrace this type of farming. The entire process of growing onions, from seed planting to harvesting, is expected to take approximately five months. Source: PNA

Photo of the Day for January 06, 2024 – Peanut store at market in Dumaguete City

Photo of the Day for January 06, 2024 – Peanut store at market in Dumaguete City

Peanuts enjoy widespread popularity in the Philippines; however, there has been limited focus on research and development in this agricultural sector. It wasn’t until the 1980s that USAID, in collaboration with P-CRSP at the University of Georgia, initiated a comprehensive approach to studying peanuts, with PCARRD serving as the coordinating unit.