The poor man’s lumboy cigarettes

Today’s blog is all about the lomboy tree and its many uses in the form of its fruit, wood and leaves. These trees grow not only in the Philippines, but also in other tropical Asian countries. In the Philippines, lomboy trees thrive in all types of soil, whether in rural or urban areas.



The wood of the lomboy tree is used as a reliable material for the construction of houses, furniture such as tables, chairs and other household furniture.


Lomboy fruits


Lomboy fruits are sweet, purple-colored and elongated. Unfortunately, it is not easy for children to get hold of the fruit as the trees grow larger and taller. Apart from the tasty fruit, black plums also have health benefits. Black plums are rich in vitamin C, iron, magnesium and other nutrients.

In the Philippines, some mature trees grow up to 30-40 meters high. At this size, it is difficult for children to reach the fruit.


Lomboy leaves for cigarette tubes


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SIGHTS of NEGROS ORIENTAL – BLOG – The poor man’s lumboy cigarettes

Lomboy leaves are used by Filipinos, especially those who cannot afford to buy commercial cigarettes. Buying lomboy leaves is cheaper than buying regular cigarettes. A few cartons of regular cigarettes are equivalent to a bundle of hand-rolled dried Lomboy cigarette cartons. Each bundle of Lomboy cigarettes contains 50-100 cartons.

The only problem with buying Lomboy rolling papers is their availability. If you are in a city and want to buy Lomboy leaves, it will be difficult to get them as these Lomboy leaves are only available in rural markets.

Lomboy leaves as cigarettes are not only popular among older people but also among young smokers. With the rising prices of commercial cigarettes, the younger generation of Filipino cigarette smokers are slowly preferring lomboy leaves.

Their popularity among smokers is due to their affordability. One can buy a bundle of Lomboy cigarettes for a few pesos. Another reason for the preference of Lomboy cigarettes over regular cigarettes is that they are supposedly nicotine-free.


Production of Lomboy cigarettes


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SIGHTS of NEGROS ORIENTAL – BLOG – The poor man’s lumboy cigarettes


Hand-rolled lumboy leaves and dried tobacco leaves belong together and are also sold together.

The steps for making lumboy leaves are described below:

Step 1. cut the tobacco leaves vertically.

Step 2: Place the cut tobacco leaf inside the dried lomboy leaf.

Step 3 Roll each of the lomboy leaves by hand.

Step 4. heat each of the lomboy leaves over kerosene or oil lamp for 3-5 seconds.

The manufacturers of Lomboy cigarettes pack the finished products in cellophane with a certain number of Lomboy cigarettes in each cellophane, and they are ready for distribution to their customers.


Source of income

In the Philippines, the Lomboy cigarette industry has become a source of income for thousands of Filipinos. For them, a small income can be a big help in meeting their daily financial needs, especially in times of the pandemic when money is hard to come by.


SIGHTS of NEGROS ORIENTAL - BLOG - The poor man's lumboy cigarettes
SIGHTS of NEGROS ORIENTAL – BLOG – The poor man’s lumboy cigarettes
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