Photo of the Day for March 04, 2024 – Siliman beach on a Sunday in Dumaguete City

Photo of the Day for March 04, 2024 – Siliman beach on a Sunday in Dumaguete City

The golden sun casting a warm glow over the tranquil waters of Siliman Beach in Dumaguete City, a group of friends gathered for an afternoon of laughter and adventure.     Perched on the rustic table overlooking the shore, they shared stories and jokes, their voices mingling with the gentle lapping of the waves against the sand. The scent of grilled seafood wafted through the air, carried on the sea breeze, as they savored the flavors of the local cuisine. In the distance, an outrigger boat bobbed gracefully on the water, its sails catching the last rays of sunlight. Three friends manned the boat, their laughter echoing across the bay as they navigated the waves with ease. Closer to the shore, more friends frolicked in the crystal-clear waters, their joy evident in their playful splashes and carefree laughter. Some stood waist-deep in the shallows, feeling the cool embrace of the sea, while others lounged on the soft sand, soaking in the peaceful ambiance of the beach.