Photo of the Day for March 17, 2024 – Draught in Negros Island

Photo of the Day for March 17, 2024 – Draught in Negros Island

The island of Negros in the Philippines is currently experiencing a severe drought, posing significant challenges to agriculture, water supply, and livelihoods. The drought is primarily attributed to the prolonged dry season and below-average rainfall, exacerbated by climate change. As a result of the drought, agricultural areas in Negros are facing water shortages, leading to reduced crop yields and loss of income for farmers. Water sources such as rivers, streams, and reservoirs are drying up, affecting irrigation systems and water supply for both farming and domestic use.     Communities across Negros are also grappling with water scarcity, with some areas experiencing rationing and reliance on alternative water sources. The lack of access to clean and sufficient water poses risks to public health and sanitation. Efforts to mitigate the impacts of the drought include water conservation measures, the distribution of relief goods, and the implementation of cloud seeding operations to induce rainfall. However, the challenges persist, underscoring the urgent need for sustainable water management practices and resilience-building initiatives to address the effects of climate change on the island’s water resources.

Philippine cattle market in Bacong

Philippine cattle market in Bacong

There is still a cattle market every Wednesday in Barangay Malitapay, in the municipality of Zamboanguita, in Negros Oriental. But I found the really big cattle market by chance in the municipality of Bacong on google maps. After a few enquiries with the people, this was confirmed to me. Further confirmation came when we drove up the narrow road on a Saturday to the place where this Bacong cattle market was marked on the map. There were a few pigs, an open space and a truck with goats. Otherwise there was nothing going on. After talking to some people there, we knew that the cattle market is held on Sunday and Monday, with Monday being the busier day. We took a few photos and decided to come back here at 6 a.m. on Monday morning. [siteorigin_widget class=”WP_Widget_Media_Gallery”][/siteorigin_widget] We arrived on time on Monday morning and parked the pick-up far enough away so as not to be in the way. We would do that enough with our cameras when taking photos and filming. There are two cattle markets next to each other, separated by the road. At one, only cattle and water buffalo can be seen. The large double-decker cattle trucks are also parked here. Small and large transporters kept arriving. Water buffaloes and cattle were unloaded and tethered. Individual sellers stood with their animals in the open space in the middle, waiting for buyers. Animals are not bid on here like at an auction, instead everyone negotiates their price personally with the buyers. Tickets for use are issued at the entrance to both spaces and there is also an animal scale that can be used for weighing for a fee of 20 pesos. [siteorigin_widget class=”WP_Widget_Media_Gallery”][/siteorigin_widget] We then went over to the other cattle market, where there was already a great hustle and bustle of horns, heavy animal carcasses and people in between. It was amazing that the animals were hardly stressed by this. It was reasonably safe to walk past them and around the back without being stepped on. The pig dealers were also here. There were also a few horses and a few goats. There was even a test field where interested water buffalo customers could test the animal they wanted to buy with a plow.   We had another look at the cattle market, where only cattle and water buffalo were traded. A number of animals had already changed hands here and loading had already begun. Each cattle truck had its own crew. It was interesting to see how the animals were loaded. Sometimes it wasn’t so easy, especially when a stubborn animal was to be loaded onto the upper loading area. One of the cattle trucks was loaded with 7 water buffaloes and 2 cattle and was to be driven to the city of Bacolod, to the abattoir there. After loading, the double-decker cattle truck would make its way to Manila. He wanted to use the so-called ‘nautical highway’ for this. This meant that it would also make its way to Bacolod, but there it would go to the ferry port and cross over to Iloilo. Then he would cross the island of Pana to the ferry port to Caticlan near Boracay. From here, the ferry would take him to Roxas on Mindoro. He would then travel overland from Roxas to the port of Calapan. Here, the cattle truck would then be loaded onto the ferry to Batangas, before continuing by road to Manila. This journey usually takes three days. [siteorigin_widget class=”WP_Widget_Media_Gallery”][/siteorigin_widget] The cattle markets are catered for by very rustic, small restaurants in the style of carinderias with pre-cooked food in pots or displays. There is also plenty of rum and ice-cold beer here, as many a good purchase or sale has to be toasted. We then drank our coffee here and had a rest from walking around. A cattle vendor had already finished his work and treated himself to some strong beer and gave his environment a taste of his karaoke skills A few small stores have set up stalls on the public streets, selling fruit and vegetables, dried fish and a few other things.   A water buffalo changes hands for 35,000 to 45,000 pesos, and a large Brahman cow costs 75,000 pesos. You can imagine how much cash a buyer carries around in his shoulder bag. [siteorigin_widget class=”WP_Widget_Media_Gallery”][/siteorigin_widget]   If you are interested in the hustle and bustle of a Philippine cattle market after this report, you might want to watch the video I was able to film that day WILD EAST BEASTS – #cattlemarket | Philippines