Exploring the streets next to and behind the ‘Mercado de Bais’

Not so long ago, the ‘Mercado de Bais’ was just what its name suggests, a market. The origins of this market date back to 1917, after which the Mercado de Bais was renovated and refurbished several times until it took on its current appearance.

Now this market is being rebuilt again, only this time it is not to remain a market, but to become a mall.

Many market stall holders are more or less on the street as a result of this measure and are very annoyed. The city council has offered them stalls or opportunities to continue their business at the somewhat more distant Satellite Market, but this has not been accepted by many. These market stall holders have spread out over the side streets of the Mercado de Bais with self-made stalls on the sidewalks, with mobile stalls from converted pedicabs or have moved into smaller stores.

I met some of these people during my visit to Bais City.

Diesen Besuch konnte ich auch zusammen mit einem Besuch auf dem Satellite-Market in einem Video festhalten, welches ihr hier anschauen könnt:


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