Murcia – Negros Occidental

Headline: “Murcia: Gateway to Nature’s Bounty and Sustainable Living”

  1. Biodiversity Hotspot: Explore Murcia’s lush forests, scenic mountains, and diverse ecosystems within the Northern Negros Natural Park. Learn about the city’s conservation efforts, biodiversity research, and eco-tourism initiatives that promote responsible nature-based tourism and environmental awareness.
  2. Organic Agriculture Hub: Delve into Murcia’s reputation as a center for organic farming and sustainable agriculture. Discover the city’s organic farms, farmer cooperatives, and agricultural training programs that champion environmentally-friendly practices, soil health, and the production of high-quality organic crops.
  3. Hot Springs Sanctuary: Experience Murcia’s natural hot springs and geothermal wonders nestled within the Mambukal Resort. Enjoy rejuvenating baths, hiking trails, and outdoor recreational activities amidst the backdrop of volcanic landscapes, waterfalls, and endemic flora and fauna.



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