Disappointment when visiting the Sidlakang Negros Village in Dumaguete City

Disappointment when visiting the Sidlakang Negros Village in Dumaguete City

Recently, my wife and I had the opportunity to visit the village of Sidlakang Negros in Negros Oriental. As expats interested in the beauty and diversity of the Philippines, we were excited to explore this village known as a showcase of the region’s culture and traditions. But what we found there was far from our expectations.

Sidlakang Negros Village was created as a place to showcase the various local arts, crafts, products and tourist attractions of the surrounding towns and municipalities of Negros Oriental. The official websites promised a picturesque setting with pavilions, showrooms and an open-air area for various activities. But the reality was different.

As we entered the village, we immediately noticed that some of the buildings were already in serious disrepair. Instead of a thriving backdrop that reflected the region’s rich culture, we saw dilapidated ruins. Nevertheless, we tried to make the most of our visit and continued to explore the site.

It was disappointing to see a place that should have proudly showcased the diversity and beauty of Negros Oriental now living in the shadows. Even the tourist police office, which appeared to be in an intact building, could not lessen the sense of neglect.

As tourists and lovers of the Philippines, we expect such places to be maintained and preserved to provide visitors with an authentic and enriching experience. The discrepancy between what is promised on the village’s official websites and the reality on the ground is disappointing and frustrating.

It is important that local authorities and communities protect and preserve such cultural treasures so that future generations can experience the rich history and culture of Negros Oriental.

We hope that our experience can help raise awareness of the importance of preserving such places and that action will be taken to restore Sidlakang Negros Village to what it should be: a proud testament to the diversity and beauty of Negros Oriental.

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