End of classes at Poblacion in Dauin

End of classes at Poblacion in Dauin

End of classes will look the same almost everywhere in the Philippines, at least in the larger villages and towns. Especially when, as here in the municipality of Dauin, Negros Oriental, the primary and secondary schools are close together. This means that around 2000 pupils from each school stream out onto the streets at the same time. At this time, there is hardly any motorized traffic to be noticed, it is just teeming with pupils and students.     A number of small stall holders are already waiting for these pupils and students, offering them snacks, refreshments and whatever else pupils and students like to buy.         After a certain amount of time, the crowd starts to run out to get home on foot or with a Pedicab. I’ve made a note of this as a video topic for the future.   In an earlier video I was able to capture such an end of classes from an elementary school in a video from Cagayan de Oro.   END of SCHOOL at ELEMENTARY in GUSA – Cagayan de Oro City  

Exploring the streets next to and behind the ‘Mercado de Bais’

Exploring the streets next to and behind the ‘Mercado de Bais’

Not so long ago, the ‘Mercado de Bais’ was just what its name suggests, a market. The origins of this market date back to 1917, after which the Mercado de Bais was renovated and refurbished several times until it took on its current appearance. Now this market is being rebuilt again, only this time it is not to remain a market, but to become a mall. Many market stall holders are more or less on the street as a result of this measure and are very annoyed. The city council has offered them stalls or opportunities to continue their business at the somewhat more distant Satellite Market, but this has not been accepted by many. These market stall holders have spread out over the side streets of the Mercado de Bais with self-made stalls on the sidewalks, with mobile stalls from converted pedicabs or have moved into smaller stores. I met some of these people during my visit to Bais City. [siteorigin_widget class=”WP_Widget_Media_Gallery”][/siteorigin_widget] Diesen Besuch konnte ich auch zusammen mit einem Besuch auf dem Satellite-Market in einem Video festhalten, welches ihr hier anschauen könnt: STREET + MARKET Impressions of BAIS CITY  

Direct sale of bananas in Dauin

Direct sale of bananas in Dauin

By chance, I was able to follow a direct sale of bananas from the agricultural producer to customers at the market in Dauin, Negros Oriental.     A small truck had stopped on the street and potential customers immediately flocked towards it. There were two types of bananas on offer. There were the Saba cooking bananas, which are used in many Filipino dishes and can also be fried, grilled and deep-fried. Then there was a type of banana that is suitable for eating raw.    

Weekend in the mountains of Sibulan

Weekend in the mountains of Sibulan

We accepted the offer from good friends and were able to look forward to a wonderful weekend in the mountains of Sibulan, Negros Oriental. Early in the morning on a Saturday, we loaded up the car for the trip and picked up plenty of beer and ice on the way. Later passing through Tanjay City, before heading to Pamplona, we bought some meat for barbeque at the local market. To get to this highland area of Sibulan, you have to drive from Dumaguete through Sibulan on national road 7 via San Jose and Amlan and then turn off onto the road to Pamplona inland in Tanjay City. After that, I lost my bearings on the small side roads, where we had to turn off every now and then and which were sometimes very bad.       We were there at lunchtime and when the freshly prepared kinilaw (raw fish cooked in vinegar) arrived at the table, it wasn’t long before the first ice-cold beer appeared in our hands. Over coffee and beer, we enjoyed the sweeping view across the plain to Bais City. When it got dark, karaoke was sung and the weekend was celebrated. The morning began with another great view, until the group prepared for departure again. This was delayed with a picnic and a dip in the cool waters of the river below the weekend home. But that is yet another small experience in the mountains of Sibulan.       I have captured the full experience in the following video – here ->> WEEKEND TRIP to the MOUNTAIN VIEW of SIBULAN  

In the rice and corn mills in Zamboanguita

In the rice and corn mills in Zamboanguita

Most of the rice fields around Zamboanguita have been harvested and some have already been replanted or prepared for this. This also means that the rice mills and maize mills in the community are very busy for milling. We arrived early one morning to watch and film the hustle and bustle. We arrived too early. The machines were not yet in operation. There was still silence. Some customers were already sitting on the benches waiting. The miller was already there too, but the cashier and a few other employees were still missing. So the chickens still had time to pick a few grains here and there. When the machines were up and running, more customers arrived with sacks on motorcycles or trucks and then they unloaded, weighed and milled for all they were worth. [siteorigin_widget class=”WP_Widget_Media_Gallery”][/siteorigin_widget] Here you can watch the corresponding video RICE & CORN MILLS in ZAMBOANGUITA    

With the tailors at the market

With the tailors at the market

A market like this is a multifaceted place.   Here I am with the tailors at the public market in Dumaguete. They share one of the market buildings with a number of other service providers. As always, it was an experience to stroll through the aisles. So much to see, so much to marvel at. [siteorigin_widget class=”WP_Widget_Media_Gallery”][/siteorigin_widget] VIDEO (2:36) DRESS SHOPS in Dumaguete vs. CDO Markets       [siteorigin_widget class=”WP_Widget_Media_Video”][/siteorigin_widget]

Impressions around the public market in Dumaguete City

Impressions around the public market in Dumaguete City

I never thought how much I would miss the city of Dumaguete the last time we returned to Cagayan de Oro from our long visit to our daughter in Dauin. I liked the town with its chaotic traffic around the market more each time.     Many of the expats can’t get over the hustle and bustle that is called urban traffic. As soon as I’ve parked the car somewhere, I like to walk there. The ever-changing impressions and motifs for photos and videos are overwhelming. It is very rare that the traffic comes to a standstill. Most of the time, everything moves at a snail’s pace.       Dumaguete, we are getting ready again for the trip to Dauin and will roam many places and sites in Negros Oriental and of course again in the city.   My video about the pedicabs around the market of Dumaguete ->> The amazing PEDICABS of DUMAGUETE      

Sibulan – The town

Sibulan – The town

Sibulan schließt sich gleich der Stadt Dumaguete in nördlicher Richtung an, dort wo sich der bisher einzige Flughafen der Provinz Negros Oriental befindet. Der Flughhafen gehört bereits zu Sibulan. Sibulan hat so um die 60.000 Einwohner. Zum Flughafen kommt auch noch ein betriebsamer Fährhafen mit Schiffen hinüber zur Insel Cebu an deren südlichem Ende. Es gibt etliche Sehenswürdigkeiten außerhalb des Ortes, die ich mir aber für ein anderes Mal auf einen Besuch aufgehoben habe. Diesmal habe ich mir nur die Plaza, die Kirche, den Fährhafen und den öffentlichen Markt angeschaut. Sibulan eignet sich meiner Meinung auch sehr gut für Expats, die nicht direkt in der Stadt Dumaguete wohnen wollen und vielleicht die höheren Kosten von Valencia scheuen. [siteorigin_widget class=”WP_Widget_Media_Gallery”][/siteorigin_widget] VIDEO (9:06)    

With the candle makers of Sibulan

With the candle makers of Sibulan

I had paid a visit to the beautiful church of Sibulan. I did not have a great religious upbringing and certainly not Catholic. I am fascinated by these grandiose buildings, often built with donations from those who have the least and saved bitterly from their mouths. When I stepped back out at the far end, where the altar was, I came upon people maintaining an open fire under a large black metal can. After I asked what was going on here, I was told that they were melting down the wax collected from burned candles and making new candles from it. I was then allowed to watch this process. The black candles are sold by the candle women sitting around the church cheaper than the brand new white candles. [siteorigin_widget class=”WP_Widget_Media_Gallery”][/siteorigin_widget] Since not only black candles but also white ones are sold, the accumulating wax becomes more and more over time. This can be seen well in a side room where collected wax is stored for later. It looks there like in a coal pit.     This is also all visible in the video: SIBULAN – The Town    

Auf dem Bauernmarkt in Valencia

Auf dem Bauernmarkt in Valencia

Weekend markets, especially in business districts like Salcedo and Bonifacio Global City, are often visited by city dwellers in droves because they provide the perfect opportunity to sample and buy fresh produce from farmers and unique goods from local vendors. Valencia in Negros Oriental has a similar system, but this time it’s geared towards cutting out the middleman and getting local farmers to sell their crops directly to their community for more profit. This is the Paunay Farmers Market, which is held every Sunday from 4 to 12 p.m. at the Valencia Public Plaza in Negros Oriental. [siteorigin_widget class=”WP_Widget_Media_Gallery”][/siteorigin_widget] The inception of the Valencia Paunay Farmers Market traces back to a fundamental idea: providing farmers with a platform to vend their produce, a particularly vital initiative given the substantial rural population. This endeavor led to the establishment of the Valencia Paunay Farmers Association. Albert Tubal, the Tourism Commissioner of Valencia, elaborated on this genesis in an interview with SPOT.ph, revealing that the concept took root in 2013. Every Sunday, local farmers from Valencia united under this association to showcase and sell their agricultural products, fostering a vibrant marketplace for the community. [siteorigin_widget class=”WP_Widget_Media_Gallery”][/siteorigin_widget] VIDEO VALENCIA – SUNDAY MARKET & FAIR | Negros Oriental